Zerofile - by P. Below, 1993, Freeware - Search a directory for files of zero length - Usage: zerofile [pathname] [/S] [/Q] [/?] pathname is either the name of a directory or a filespec. If the latter, the filename part may contain wildcards. If pathname is omitted, zerofile will search the current drive. Switches: /S : search recursively through all subdirectories, if pathname is a directory. /Q : quiet, do not display anything on screen. /? or any other switch will yield this information. Zerofile will return errorlevel 1 if a file with zero length is found, errorlevel 255 if it gets an invalid pathname and 0 otherwise. Case and the sequence of switches and pathname is not relevant. If the /Q switch is not given, zerofile will display a banner message and also the full pathname of any file with zero size found. If an invalid path is given, an error message is displayed. If no files with zero bytes are found, a corresponding message is given at the end of the run. Zerofile sends output to the console, thus, it can be redirected to a file. Examples: zerofile d:\ /S recursively search all directories on drive d: zerofile c:\backup /Q search only directory c.\backup, don't display banner and found files etc. Zerofile is written in TopSpeed Module-2. It comes with no warranties whatsoever. While the author cannot envision any set of circumstances where Zerofile could do any harm to your PC & software, he will also not be held responsible for any damage incurred by the use of this program. Author: Peter Below CIS: 100113.1101